TechTalk #14- Dos & Don’ts of Your Push Sweeper

CEMSA Dos and donts of your push sweeper

A warm welcome to our May edition of TechTalk all about our favourite push sweeper, the 510M Sweeper! In these trying times maintaining the cleanliness of your building can be difficult. Daily sanitization of offices and buildings are now the norm. It is essential that all dirt and sand are removed from a surface before you can mop or scrub it. This is where the 510M comes into play. Today’s blog is centered around the Dos & Don’ts of your 510M!

Always Pick Up Small Objects

One of the biggest hindrances to most push sweepers is large objects such as leaves and plastic. Although, it may seem insignificant, large objects can cause long- term damage to your sweeper. This is why we recommend that prior to sweeping you ensure that all large pieces of waste are picked up and disposed of first. This would apply to things such as bottles & cans and even pine cones. The procedure for cleaning a surface is as follows:

  1. Pick up and dispose of any large objects of waste such as bottles and crisp bags
  2. Sweep the area with your 510M sweeper to mitigate the amount of dirt
  3. Mop or scrub your floor
  4. Allow the area to dry properly

Pro tip: If you use a floor scrubber you can skip the drying part and increase your efficiency tenfold!

Maintain a Moderate Speed

Although, it may tempting to rush the job and sweep the floor as quickly as possible. This would actually be counter- productive. For an effective sweep you need to maintain a moderate walking speed. We would provide the exact speed but we doubt many of you track how fast you walk exactly! If you walk too fast, you not only wear your bristles quicker but you also ‘throw’ the dirt around more, causing your time to be wasted. Contrarily, walking too slow would be the most effective for catching dirt, but then you might be there for a while…

Never Over- Adjust Your Brushes

Our 510M is designed to be eco- friendly. Not only is it made up of recycled plastic but it also does not require any electricity or a battery to operate! Hence the term ‘Push Sweeper.’ This means that your force turns a wheel that drives a belt which turns the front brush. Over- adjusting your brushes will put too much pressure on the bristles. This will make the sweeper harder to push as well as the fact that it will wear your bristles out significantly quicker than anticipated. This is indicated in our 5th TechTalk about Storing Your 510M Sweeper!

CEMSA stocks a wide variety of spares and accessories including 510M sweepers and any parts you might need to repair one! If you would like to apply to become a distributor, kindly visit us here. If you have any questions or would like to make an inquiry, please feel free to contact your nearest CEMSA branch via our contact page.

We hope that you and your loved ones are staying safe in these trying times. They might be hard, they might get harder but CEMSA is optimistic for our country and it’s future. Please stay safe, and stay home.

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